the girl

❤ Yvonne Teo Jade.
❤ 17th April 1996
❤ Founder of:
→ @BlueFaithStreet [Instagram]
→ Blue Faith Street [FB]

❤ Born and bred in Malaysia.
❤ UCSI University KL, Bachelor of Accounting.
❤ Relationship status: ✔ by Mr. YapJinWei since 21st of November in 2013.
❤ I don't speak English, I speak Manglish. I had a dream, I have dreams. I love music, I love to sing. Nothing can change my love toward JJLin. :)

Lim Huiqi♥
SMG Life
Amanda Mabel
Mandy Faith
Camille Co
Chuckei Baby Jane
Bwincess Nana
Daphne Charice
Han Bin :) Farhana
Jie Xi
Vivian Sew

Yvonne Teo

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1.1.11 ♥
2010年12月31日星期五 @ 22:41 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )

今天是新的一年的第一天, 1.1.11 算是吉祥数字吗? (:
昨晚过了一个很开心的跨年夜, 与我几个排球队的朋友.
我才发现, 原来不需要很多人我们也可以玩得很开心, 很热闹.
彩仪, 淑钐, 玉蓉, 雪妮, 雪晶, 乐儿, 雪莉 还有迟到的伟泉;
清一色女生除了迟来的那个 XDD
为了昨天的跨年派队, 我, 彩仪, 淑钐和乐儿前一天去The Mines 买材料.

昨天, 火锅但不算大餐, 不过材料都被我摆放得超像5星级酒店咯 XD
人都来齐后差不多8点了, 我们的火锅会就开始啦
吃得超饱的, 可是还是剩很多材料 -。-
原本呢当我们在洗菜的时候, 发现好像买过多了怕吃不完, 然后就打电话找几个男生来帮忙吃.
打电话后都讲好了, 就不懂谁“突然间”发现我们好像不够吃, 如果加男生的话
然后我就做坏人咯, 又打电话去叫人家不用来了,
最后还加一个 “新年快乐” 啦啦啦啦啦 XDD
我知道我们很白痴 -。-
但这就是我们这一班的特性嘛! :D

吃饱第一轮后, 游戏时间到啦
很小孩子的我们, 玩水球 XDD
首先, 是毫无目的的乱丢, 但过后就开始想游戏, 输者要受惩罚.
首先是大家站成一个圆圈, 有一粒水球在其中一个人的手上, 讲名字然后丢水球给那个人
谁接不到球滑手掉地然后破掉, 就要被那个掷球给他的人''丢弹'' XD

第二种就是黑白猜拳决定要用什么方法接球, 球员就是球员咯吼..少数的人就使用setting来接, 多数的就用first ball的方法. 啦啦啦 :PP
然后叻我们就玩那个《天才冲冲冲》的 "动词tempo ready go"
讲错的人就中boom咯 ^^
最直接的就是, 犯错的人, 站在他12点钟的人也要陪他受罚, 两个人一起拿水球然后在头上按爆
哈哈, 超好笑的. 我什么都不懂, 就只知道我们每一个人都在开怀大笑, 甚至是大喊大叫. XD
只要有人要中水球炸弹, 我们都一定会很兴奋的表情. 重复了不知多少次都还是一样, 我也不知道为什么 ;D

水球丢完啦, 每个人都几乎全身湿了, 很好, 来到最后的环节 -- 真心话大冒险
其实也不算什么大冒险啦, 都一样, 只要你不想说真心话, 那就接受惩罚呗, 自己拿水淋湿自己的头.
*什么啦! 这算什么惩罚? -.-
嘿! 这可不是普通的水叻~我特地买了多几包冰回来就是为了这个游戏啊
呵呵呵...明白了吼?就是淋冷水啦. 而且当时是晚上哦, 还坐在外面玩的, 超冷的好不好 -.-
其实不是很喜欢这环节的游戏, 不过都玩得很不错, 我喜欢被冷水淋湿的感觉. XD

完了蛮久的..不过对大家来说也不过是一下子而已, 然后12点就要到了 =.=
没有什么特别的倒数, 就全部都说: 诶,12点了耶? .... XD
然后就继续吃火锅, 第二轮. 好饱哦 -.-
大概一点多就正式结束啦. 有两个人留在我家过夜 ^^

嗯.....新的一年来了..旧的一年过去了, 是时候来做个总结吧? :)
2010 年...是我在每一方面都有过的"巅峰"时期, 但也是最低落的时期, 很极端.
2010,我非常的, 很幸福过. 但也有非常的, 很低潮过.
2010,我非常的, 很开心过, 但也有非常的, 很伤心过.
2010,我非常的, 很轻松过, 但也有非常的, 很压力过.
幸福? 是因为....然后突然间在完全毫不知情下被甩了 -.-
开心? 是因为在球场上, 太过自信自己的实力, 但其实自己并没有达到大家想要的. 很伤心.
轻松? 是因为..一直和朋友们出街shopping, 到考试的时候才来紧张 ==

而且呢..2010 年, 我达到了我的目标, 实现了我的梦想.
我从来没想过, 我会是Selangor队的一分子.
为自己的校队准备雪州公开赛, 从小组赛一路打进四强, 而我也被选进州队.
其实,我们从来没想过能够进到第二圈, 甚至摸到奖牌. 真的是超级oh my god 了. 哈哈.
但可惜的是, 受伤了, 结果一连串不幸运的事在州队比赛期间发生了.
没关系, 我在2010受伤了, 只差一步就打进我真正的梦想.
我会在2011年, 把所有属于我的东西拿回来. (:
小孩子们, 等着看吧. 我对你们幼稚无聊的思想行为没有兴趣.
2010年发生的事情, 我一定会在2012年的那场比赛拿回来的.

啊对了对了, 我想要在这里感谢一个人.
非常谢谢你在2010年里给过我的快乐 (:
*好短的感谢语 -.-
至于是谁? 我不多说了. 你知道我知道就好 :P


专注学业!! -.-
我要赚 $$$ !! 
有了 $$$ 就要买 Laptop 和 Iphone XD
和朋友们的友情不变, 甚至更融洽. 尤其是与他和她
还有最重要的是, 不会再受到任何感情上的伤害. 最好是与感情事情没有任何瓜葛 -.-
*我没有说我要当尼姑!! XP

好了, 就这样吧, 祝大家all the best in 2011 ^^
各位晚安 (:

p/s: all pictures took at yesterday, 1.1.01 at cousin's birthdae party. will blog about it soon. loves, ((:

Numbers! ♥
2010年12月30日星期四 @ 18:54 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )
OMG, today is the last day of 2010! *zo meh gam fai gehh? o.O
It's so a meaningless holidays -.- But today will have a little count down party at my house with some of my volleyball friends! *school friends also :P
I saw this at Facebook, quite alot people play xia :D

inbox me any number between 1 and 5000 and I'll make my status your number and what I think about you. Fun thing is, only you and me know what your number is. I dare you to post this as your status. (:

My number is 4.17912 , curious why? HAHAHA. got reasons punya... I dare to post out on my blog but just for a memorial. It's really a nice game. I receive so many people's comment about me! :P So, this will be a long long post but all are just my stuff. Just ignore it if you don't like. I didn't force you to see :)

Me - Xiiao Gui

we know each other at WCFC. When I know you're JJ lover also, then we everytime just argue about JJ is belong to who but you are always the winner -.- eh eh love HEBE also love SHE also and who else? I ♥ JJ only leh, zhuan yi rite? HAHAHA. anyway, you are so such a cute and funny girl that I know at internet, wish we still can contact at internet and every time argue abt JJ's? blekk :PP ♥

Xiiao Guii - Me

♥ 4.17912
lengmoi 皮癢?1-5000的數字你還有decimal place?!=.=
對 在WCFC認識你滴~
每次跟你聊都是 JJ 不~是跟你吵 我是贏家:DD
你你你 存錢了嗎?等JJ來 你要去買票的wor ishh VIP^^
還有 咱們倆都一樣花心
俺喜歡JJ和s.h.e 你!JJ ,chean,還有justin bieber ! 大家公平jek :D
我愛你 ! 也愛JJ xD ♥

Me - Vivian Sew Yin From Sabak Bernam


we know at FB. and our first meet was when MSSS at K.S this year, rite?HAHA. I still rmb our first saw each other was when we all were watching game at the audience seat pulak XD Nice to have you this friends, you acc me whenever I need somebody to talk, you comfort me, these are what I needed when I'm unhappy. :) We are VOLLEYBALL LOVER♥ ILU my dear friend :D Forever! ♥

Vivian - me
[ 4.17912 ]
My dear ^^ I happy be frien wif u :D u r jj de super fans ♥ ..^^ U r a friendly person B-) We 1st time meet on msss at ks =] i wanna bcum ur follower..I wan u be happy girl..(: u r not alone~coz u got me tis frien~Be happy my dear ♥

2010 wanna pass alrdy~Come on~all the bad thgs wil pass it ;-) we juz bring the good memories coming to 2011 enough :-D & start a new life ^.~ gambateh!! Vb kaki here :D ♥

Me - Yanni Ong From Klang

know u through VOLLEYBALL! 1st saw u at last year MSSS, many ppl said u're a very good vbl player. Admire weih~ rmb our 1st hang out to Sunway? had a very nice chat with u, u're humour! btw, thank u so much when u16 selection called me to relax. I looked so stupid that time coz it was my 1st time -.- U're so a friendly person that I know in vb. Hope to have a game with you, but don't spike my head k? HAHA XD ♥

Yanni - Me

‎4.17912- Haha... U who was let me terkejut when I knw yr age! Haha... U look super mature n face look leng! Hahaha... In volleyball life, u have many chance to ply. But have to train hard too. I trust u can do it. U stil young, stil have many many things need to learn. +you Ya. Nice to meet u!

Kelly C.WayWay From Pahang - Me
4.17912: *why so long O.O
oh yeahhhh :D
1. through FB :D
2. it's nice chatting vf u at the corridor :D
3. you're as pretty as Yvonne Teo's picture :)
4. hope to see you again :(
Me - Kelly

know you through FB cos...ehem. you know I know enough le :X
Idk we can be friends as good as now even met each other face by face! Nice to have you this friend. Had a very nice chat with you too and thank you so much for acc me in the tournament week. I miss you ;( Rmb our promised? U16 :) You are as pretty and cute and friendly as a Pahang volleyball player that I knew! :D Friends Forever! Love you :D ♥

L.LeongSiang From Pahang - Me
i nt very know about u leh.. haha~
just that time seen the photo u with kelly like very good n saw yr face pretty xia so go say halo with u lo :P haha.. hope u dun mind..
n u r the last person wish me get champion.. haha~
anyway,good luck for yr pmr ^^ +u..
Me - LeongSiang

1111: *nice number! :P
HAHA. same here not very know you. LOL. sure la I won't mind cos you said I pretty xia wor. shuang dao dy lo. HAHAHA XD
As I heard from my friends you're a very good setter in volleyball, everyball sure use set d even though first ball come very low, rite? don't you're a best setter? haha. Sure! and good luck to you in SPM too : ))

Me - Lee Man Hinn From Pahang

Nice nice nice number! ♥
first saw you at Johor, and after we back through FB to know each other more, is it? HAHA. You are a good ribelo, I like your first ball! :D Please don't to give up volleyball even if anything happen, can just tell me if you willing, I'll try to help you to solve the problem :) make a promise, I want to see you at next year u16 okay? :D all the best, Wish our friendship forever :)

Me - THChing From S.k

it's great to know you. I had a very extremely memorable training with you before the tournament. Our first saw each other is at u16 selection isn't it? LOL. When I first saw you at dengkil's training and I was like 'OMG this girl, spiking damn geng la' straight line and diagonal also can. Owh and your first ball too! Walao eh, admire your first ball la. Wish you all the best in the new year 2011.

THChing - Me
4.17912! ♥ hello :)
I met you at u-16 selection..dengkil..u-14 tournament. Rmb I slept at your house? we can talk any topic :) sincerely , state training was the best! eventhough there's upsides down btw the days at johor but still you're my friend no matter what. I'm sorry :( I hope to see you again in msss u-15 next year as friendship.
P.S: can you ignore the ability and be friends? :')
loves from teyhueyching :D

Me - Audreyyyyy From Petaling Utama

Number 9!
Know you through VOLLEYBALL! :D
we had a wonderful memory at the training. Idk what can I talk about you but just APPRECIATED! Just a word could talk to you that is Thank You Thank You and THANK YOU!! You gave me the warm, you choose to trust me, these were what I felt super-duper Touched! OMG, Luckily I got You, I LOVE YOU MY DEARRR forever and ever! Friendsss indeed, ILY X999999999999999 ! ♥

Audrey - Me
‎4.17912 :) ♥ Hello Dear ! ♥ , I'll be there for you no matter what okay ? :DD ♥ And , I Love You toooooooooooo !! :DD ♥ We'll work hard for volleyball together okay ? :D All the best in the year 2011 ! ♥ - love , audreyyyyy ! ♥

will be uploaded more soon if I still received any comments. :D
yesterday, or can say today. I slept at 6.15AM and awake at 8.30 AM cos want to go pasar to buy something for tonight's party. Why I slept so late? Only she knows.
I Just Want DVC's volleyball players to be friends with me.
Chan Chai Yee, Shirley Eng, Susan Sim, Teoh Yoke Yoong, Ang Say Jeng, Sherry Thew, Tracy Teo and so on. I Love You All. Happy New Year ♥

Hang out ♥
2010年12月28日星期二 @ 21:54 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )
It's Monday. Hang out with The Gang-Wei Quan, Ah Ni, and Jeng. ♥
We went to Mid Valley at first, by bus and train but not that good so. Unluckily I met the stupids bin tai lou. I shouted rude words directly in the train. LOLs I know I was so so so rudeness. After Mid Velley then The mines. We, or can say were just Three of them, only bought sporty things at Mid Velley and we've used too much time were just got to bought the sports thing! Gosh. I got no buy anything, just some birthday cards I saw at the gift shop quite nice then I bought it. When we reached The Mines, it's already 5 something. Jeng need to back before 7 and also the bus is 7.30. OMGoddddd. I wanna buy lots of clothes la :(
We got no much time to shop after we had lunch at The mines, the we back home. urghhh -.-
Look at the pictures and let it story to youuuu! :)

While we were waiting train, it was so so so boring! The Gang, photo taking times! LOLs ♥

me and Jeng. ♥ thiss :)
again :D with a funny smile right? so what a stupid expression LOL!

HAHAHAHA. Focus on three of them enough. Ignore me! :PP

AHA! Love this :D Four of us ♥

woots! reached Mid Valley, having our "breakfast" ROFL. XD
with the spaghetti at Pizza hut. *was my spelling wrong? hmmm.....

Merry Christmas! ♥

Waiting the train to The Mines. ♥Jeng
Didn't take much pictures at Mid Valley, because I was so busying on my phone text and also they were busying finding the sporty things. I got a lot of times complaint form three of them "Yvonne why are you keep busying on your phone?!" whoopss X:

At The Mines EFFU.
Jeng♥ she looks damn nice with this cloth. of course she bought it. :)

WeiChuan, Didn't he look handsome? LOLs. :DD

and I ♥
She looks ugly I know. :X

♥♥ this cloth so much. but I don't dare to buy it cause, I scared my freinds couldn't accept I wear so a girl's style. LOL!

That's all for the hang out. But I still have not buy enough my new clothes!! Next shop might be Sungai Wang, Time Square, or anywhere else? with my dear friends again :)
Owh and lastly, introduce you guys some songs. I don't know whether are it new songs or not, but just nice.

Rich Girl - -Justin Bieber feat. Soulja Boy

Latin Girl - Justin Bieber

be BF also not bad. :D
Best Friends Foreverrr.
I Love My Friends♥


Under 14, part 2.
2010年12月25日星期六 @ 19:48 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )
HI People! :))
here for under 14 tournament part 2. But it's all of my stuff more than tournament content *LaughOutLoud. self-captured pictures , with Kelly's , other Pahang's girls , and number 3! :D and so on.

14.12.2010 The second day of tournament.

woots! what are you doing huh kelly? XPPPP
Focus on her awesome body shape! *sorry Kelly I had betrayed you :'(
15.12.2010 resting time of players!
Teehee. it's just took for fun, nothing much at all. :P
*sorry Audreyyy :( but iloveyou Audrey! :PP

Yaw Yaw why don't look at the camora?! ;(
waiting our dinner at the school's canteen. :)

Sarawak's number 7 Samuel Wong Teck Eng! *wink wink + eyes full of ♥♥♥ ♥.♥

gosh, look at his weight, can you believe that he was only 14 years old?! OMG. yeap he was. I can't believe that he was same age with me and born at 1996's ! However , Jing is much more better than him. BWAHAHAHA.
Last year under-14, 95's year, they won Sarawak super-duper easily at the final game. LOLs. I remember that , and also I found from internet , someone used 10 service to kill them , whoops , I mean to get marks. Some more Samuel lost on Selangor's captain Blocking , his spiking skils is damn freaking good but Selangor number 10 is so such a talented player , plus his height , he could just blocked Samuel's easily! LOL. But this year , without the number 10 and 9 , he could just spiked as he wants @@
Once he jumps , 70-90% can get marks. LOL. ilikeyousamuelwongteckeng. XD
okay, the story finally end. :PP

At Kelly's room. :)
Found and gossip with her Everynight. yeap we can chat about every-any-thing.
That's why people will said I am betrayer. I can understand. :)

Number 9♥captain♥KELLY CHIA ~

The last day at Johor. Going back and passed by Kelly's room. with her slipper! :PPP♥

was waiting the bus at canteen , and Pahang just finished their last game versus Negeri Sembilan. They won la of course!! :DD
With number 8 Xin En. *I tought she called Mandy ? o.O

Number 9! Hui En (Wee Yan)
urghh, Samuel Wong loves her! I'm gonna to sad until die when I heard this. :'(
*or maybe not love?just interest on her. BWAHAHAHA -.-

Number 9, Kelly ♥
that's why I want to take number 9 jersey , but sweat for this, my hand -.-

The last picture I took with her. I was going back that time. :(((

With my captain--Choi Yaw a.k.a Yaw Yaw. XD

She's only 13. but I will imporve myself be better and better for aiming the after two years' Under 16's CAPTAIN !
I wish I could be. Ain't you think I'm dreamming? So yah, up to your thinking but I am seriously right now. So I must change my shits attitude and turn to be friendly person. *even though I am
actually. HAHAHAHA xD

Back to the topic please -.-
something I wanted you guys to be stayed tune at the part 1 , still remember?
heheheheheheeeeeee. Taadaaaaaah !

With Penang's captain Number 3 ! :D
*don't think I will blog about him at here. I won't. -.-
be silent......................with smile :)

Self capture time!

In the bus , leaving Batu Pahat,Johor , on the way to back Dengkil , Selangor.

Red Red.
*actually don't really like red colour. but just for sharp~:)

Finally done. :)
Yesterday we had a small small Christmas party at my grandmum house with my relatives. But I didn't takke any pictures because I looked damn yuck yesterday. I was just awake! I didn't dress at all. BWAHAHA -.-
Will blog about it soon. Going to bath now and later IOI with dad and mum!! I want to buy a lot of clothes and shoes and my sportbag! :DDD
Thank you once again my lovely eldest brother ♥
Byeeeeeeeee !

Merry Xmas & IOI pulak xD ♥
2010年12月24日星期五 @ 11:08 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )
and this is what only the big big big smile. :PPP

well, it's 3.30AM now. I'm so very boring and don't want to sleep, that's why I'm here blogging. LOL. I was abnormal, I think. I sent a xmas wish message to almost 20+ of my friends! bwahaha, it's not a nice joke okay -.-
so just,
have a very merry xmas and nicely, best blessing and lots of lovessssss ♥♥

some pictures for my recently. HAHAHA.
yesterday, teacher drove us to IOI with Shirley, Rock Yee, Susan. thanks to teacher for being our driver? Laugh out loudly. We went to try some clothes at a EFFU shop. and also had Lunch at where? I forgot the name of the restaurant dy. it looks quite alike with FullHouse, but of course the meal menu of FullHouse are much more better than it! it's scary. cos we met something problem of the restaurant, their chef? or what else worker like that, quarrel at the public place with quite many of customers! Wolaoweihhh. SCARED la weihh -.-
between, I had bought somethings also, I used almost RM150 that day. owh goshh, I want to save money! heart pain~ :'(
and these are the pictures, enjoy~ ;)

AHAHAHAHA, awards from eldest brother. Thank u so much my lovely bro ^^
and also Selangor ILY ! xD
yeaa~trying new cloth. I love the coat so much but, i dun dare to buy it cos it's so~~~so sexy -.-
Three of us! Rockyee, me, Shirleyyyy. LOLs.

Hmmm...that's all for christmas post I think. *so weird de post weihh -.-
paisehh la my english is really very fucking broken. that's why yea. School is going to reopen. I am morning class now!! But something wasn't I wish, is going to happen soon. haiz :'(
Merry Christmas again, and I'm so looking forward to next Friday's New Year count down party at my house, with my Volleyball Gang~ ^^
Christmas Wish:
*2011 study harder
*get more and more and more $$$
*under 16 Selangor Main Six

my christmas wishes, only 3. but for my New Year wish, it's gonna be very much! xD

good nights all! sweet dreams~♥

Happy Winter Solstice! ♥
2010年12月22日星期三 @ 04:58 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )
Happy Winter Solstice to Everybody! :D
with a big big smile~ :)))

祝大家冬至快乐 ^^
今天来写华语呗. XP
冬至, 理所当然是吃汤圆啦. 听说应该还有团圆饭之类的吧?..
老天o.O 整间家就只有我一个人.
好冷好冷~ XD
然后就开电脑咯. 阿不然我也不懂要做什么料==
啊对了, 补充下, 今天早上一醒来就收到两封祝福信息.
哇卡卡卡 我就是太无聊了. 所以直接转发给几十个朋友们.
注意哦 这是我的第一次. :)
平常都没有转发信息的习惯,今天不懂为什么突然心血来潮 哈哈哈 xD

粉红色是比较小粒啦, 没有馅料的.
花生口味, 我超爱的!!♥
这个应该是黑糖吧.但我不是很喜欢. LOL.


最近都在PPS看一套香港戏剧 [读心神探] 超好看的!!
嗯. 写华语好像有点怪怪的. ><
在比赛期间和比赛过后认识的朋友都是使用英文沟通,就算是原本认识的朋友也都改成英文联络. 那就是为什么我写华语会写到那么 kek sui =.=
啊对了, 除了3号. 哇卡卡卡卡 XD
有特例的...but just special for number 3. HAHAHAHA xD


大哥今天回来吃晚饭 我啊超超超兴奋的!! 因为他还欠我中州的奖励啊 哇哈哈哈哈哈 XD
之前讲好是sport bag的, 阿不然就直接给我 300块好了我自己去买. XD
他就刚才给我钱咯, 不多不少刚刚好. RM300 ^^
我说过了,我要通知全世界~!! 哇咔咔咔咔咔 =。=

好了. 我真得不懂还可以再写什么料. 已经kek sui到我 beh tahan料.
然后我就来给你们一张更kek yeng的照片. bwahahahahah XDDD

adoiii. 我好久没有这样拍照了. ngek ngek ngek.. ><
看到我家大老板---阿公 了没? 够 yeng 叻...不要羡慕啊蛤^^


For my breakfast, and my dinner. bought from camoron highlans by mummy. ILY.

Imma strawberry lover! ♥ ♥

idk what should i tell u and say wit u.
u changed my heart.
but im also trying to ignore u.
still in loving with Penang no.3 and Sel no. 8,9,10. XD
i knw i am so overboard =.=
i miss u so much. ♥

Under 14. Part 1
2010年12月20日星期一 @ 08:11 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )
Hello all. Finally, I am back :)

it wasn't a nice "trip" to me. I cried when I was staying at Johor.
What can I say? I am not in the players, so what?!
I didn't betray SELANGOR. I Support SELANGOR, okay?

Yes Im really very fren with Kelly. She's from Pahang. So what?!
我要交什么朋友也要经过你们的同意吗? 那我穿什么衣吃什么饭倒不如也由你们管好了.
Whatever. It was past! I endured! urghhh.
My number 9 jersey, and number 12 also. I will be back next year.
I will to get back all of the things which belonged me at first.

2011 Under 16! Wait for me! I am comming.

So, back to here, Selangor boys and girls also got 6th. OMG. =.=+
Last year Selangor boys got CHAMPION! becoz had the best sever SJQ ma.. XD
haiz. but never mind la. Next year we u16 Fight again!! :D

Pictures Time! :D
at first, I would want to start from the first day of U14 Selangor Open tournament at Shah Alam until the Last day of MILO MALAYSIA YOUTH (U14) VOLLEYBALL CHAMPIONSHIP 2010
at Johor. :)
p/s: and also some of my daily life between the tournament(s).
So, it's gonna to be a lot of pictures, and I seperate it in two parts. :)

u14 Selangor Open at Shah Alam Seksyen 4. (3-5/12/2010)

AHAHA. This was my first time wore Number 9 Jersey!♥

Yeah~Rock Yee and I ♥

Jersey number 7,8 and 9!
My new teammate, Ying Shung from Seri KL :)

Between, we went to NILAI on the second day of the tournament, it was game of Boys, not girls so we had a day to rest. But teacher still want us had a training, of course we had, to changed our strategy to fight for the last day! :D
when we were training, suddenly teacher received her son's called. Gosh, they were playing an open tournament at Nilai that time, and teacher will going to watch them after our training, then I asked teacher for following she goes. LOL. After me, then RockYee, Sherry, and we asked Yoong to follow us too. Laugh Out Loud. HAHA.
We left from Dengkil after we finished training and bathed, reached Nilai. Ehh, Eric was joining the tournament too! o.O
But three of us, Rock Yee and Sherry and I were just busying to take photo at there. LOLs.
They won two match and Lost Navy if I ain't mistaken.

Peace~ :DD
urghh...cant tahan me right? :PP
paiseh ma.... XD

JUMP! I and RockYee :)

The Final day, watching boys final game and having our lunch. BWAHAHA XD

Guess what? This is the day that I've got selected into the 12 players! :DD
But I don't know, whether is it a good things to me?

Training Camp at Shah Alam,seksyen 4 (7-11/12/2010)

I stayed at baby theng's (Leyin's) House Three days and Huey Ching's two days. Five days three night without my sweet bed. urghhh. I did it! HAHAHA.

with Leyin, Thank you so much my sweety, when the days at Johor. :)

I like this shirt. However it wasn't mine. :(
thanks brother for borrowed me this. I scared I not enough shirt to wear during the training days I didn't at home. HAHAHA.

With Audreyyyyyyyyy!
Thank you very extremly alot my dear.
You are the only one who trust me. You gave me warm~ :DDD

I Love You ♥♥

The first day at Huey Ching's house.
See, I know I was like a abnormal person =______=
can take picture at anywhere anytime. HAHAHA. :PPPP

Training! wore my captain--Yaw Yaw's shirt!
She's from Seri Kembangan, that's why she got this shirt. Asean game's. LOL.

The last night at Huey Ching's house, having my dinner or even was Supper! cos that time was already 12 o'clock something when we reached her house. the training were always until quite late. ;(

cos Huey Ching's parents were back, so some of us slept at her K Room. See how a rich girl is her? LOLs. ignore our stuff please. I know it were really...very...BAD. XD


special took of our stuff. HAHAHA XD

At Johor. (12-17/12/2010)

bathed at Sir's hotel. Guess where we stayed. At school, Classroom!
owh goshhhhh. the toilet, sot sot de. sometimes will dont hv water, how to bath?!

Kelly asked me to take down this. LOLs.
Selangor vs Penang.
(I miss number 3.... ><)

Dinner time!
Le Yin, Audrey♥, I and Yin Ying.
She's only 12 years old! from Seri Kembangan. :)

I know those players who at left side are Penang's girls.
and the Stage. ♥

The first dish. did u see the head of fish? hehehe..solved by Ah Long gor gor dy la! XD
He was boy's trainer and also is Malaysia Beach Volleyball Player.
I just saw him on TV and News paper before I joined Selangor team, I thought he was a serious person or what..but who knows, he was a very funny person..HAHA. at least I called him Ah Long gor gor he still will gave me a quite cute de respond. Just open his eyes big big and looked at me. LOLs.

PAHANG. Captain-Kelly Chia~ XD

SELANGOR-boy's couch (Teacher Xu) and my couch Lim sir.
*owh gosh, P.Penang was just beside us! X)

Kelly! ♥
she curi-curi kissed me wan ;(

in the toilet. Leyin and I :)

Leyin, Choi Yaw and me ♥

smiles~ :DDD


Us again! :)

can u see that? U14.
Souvenir from organiser. :)


self captured pulak XD

Selangor 2010 Under 14 Girls players. with trainers and couches. :)

hmmm.. tat's all of Part 1.
to be continue at part 2.
Penang Number 3 is comming soon~ XD
stay tune :D
good nights all ♥


Layout hand-coded by Rainy Martini.