the girl

❤ Yvonne Teo Jade.
❤ 17th April 1996
❤ Founder of:
→ @BlueFaithStreet [Instagram]
→ Blue Faith Street [FB]

❤ Born and bred in Malaysia.
❤ UCSI University KL, Bachelor of Accounting.
❤ Relationship status: ✔ by Mr. YapJinWei since 21st of November in 2013.
❤ I don't speak English, I speak Manglish. I had a dream, I have dreams. I love music, I love to sing. Nothing can change my love toward JJLin. :)

Lim Huiqi♥
SMG Life
Amanda Mabel
Mandy Faith
Camille Co
Chuckei Baby Jane
Bwincess Nana
Daphne Charice
Han Bin :) Farhana
Jie Xi
Vivian Sew

Yvonne Teo

Create Your Badge

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Scream Here

dear visitors
Hello world ?

Hello today ?

The readers.

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2011年10月29日星期六 @ 09:38 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )

Hello world!Updated!
Now, I am here and proud to make an announcement, FINALLY I'VE UPDATED IT ! :DDD
*what still be proud pulakk -,-
Although the title up there is  Granddad's birthday but the photos don't mean it at all.
Cause....errr.....hmm....because hor, I didn't get the photos and I wasn't the photographer but cousins. They didn't send me the photos, didn't upload to facebook so I couldn't get it.

Three of da sot-plug characters - 
Windson Teo Seng Fung * my brotha.
Tracy Teo Rock Yee * my cousie.
Yvonne Teo Sue Yie * me.

It's still normal us. Before you going to those photos below. 

And then.........................this is only our real faces! ;D

Showing our white teeth~ =E

I close my eyes, but I can't see a better day. They open their eyes so they can see another better day.

Eh eh I haven't ready yet leh !

From left to right : 

Yiiii, that person in the middle so yong suii.

Teehee, I know I am the most handsome in the world♥

Wuhuuu darling I love euuuuu *kiss kiss

Omg I wanna vomit, he is so self-in loving, she is doing her own thing.

The rightest side is so not cooperate. No White Teeth.

aaarrrr open our mouth and show out the teeth! *teeth agn 

AHAHAHAHA see the siblings are so excited & happy but how about the rightest side one? Keep missing her darling Opps~

Just form an O shape! =O

The girls were so exciting while the boy... :DDDDDDDD

Can you see me? .__. I love this! ♥


*a crow flying across to us....

I've no idea for my face impression. He is still so narcissism. And She is still so not-cooperating.

Just giving you the fly kisses ;3 ♥

AHA! LIKE! our same posture on mouth :))))))


Yiii, I look awkward, he lagi awkward! And she is the most normal one. xD

Ignore the man who at behind. Focus on two of the pretties~ ;)


Myself ;)

Teehee ;) ♥

Till then do you know why I so zi lian anot?
Cannot blame me one...cos this is one of the pattern of Teo's family! :PP
Still have lagi geng de you didn't see only other elder cousins who have been to college already.
Anyway, thanks for cousin Kendly's camera. In loving with it super-duper much! 

Oh still,

I've found a job! Congratz me :) Fresh Con lens promoter :P
First time work, and first time to be a promoter too.
Even thou only for two days, but the salary is super nice!♥♥
I wanna be the Full-time promoter at next year, booking the job with my friends and work together will be much more funnier! :D
Good night ♥


2011年10月28日星期五 @ 14:22 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )

It's 04.37A.M right now. Record down the date, time, weather..
29.10.2011 Midnight 4AM.
Everyone in my room is sleeping. Two of my cousins.
And now I am still here blogging.

Well, the photos in my pendrive there were taken at 3 hours before, with my birthday present 2NE1's album.
I know it's kinda outdated, cousin Vivian found it so that I played it as I never touched it since I got this present.
And then is JJ's turn♥ *gonna update it too after those delay and dalay posts.

I'm trying to upload the photos and update the post of grandpapa's birthday however keep failing in uploading photos due to the greatest wi-fi connection.

it's 5A.M right now!
I don't tired, but just feel like sleeping.
My eyes don't pain, but just feel like closing it.
I miss you so much.
I just wanna try to habit the days without your sound, your text, your warming morning call, your caring good night call; and I just wanna try to habit to stay without you.

stop nonsense ! ;)

I went to search your facebook profile older news, status, comments and so on.
Wow, I was so innocent.
Anyhow, I'm still in loving it.
Anyway, I'm alright I'm okay.

Well. Don't worry me, I can handle it. Thanks ♥

Good night.

Happy birthday granddad . ♥
2011年10月23日星期日 @ 10:07 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )
Lovely grandpa's birthday which happened at two months before. A very late post again ;)




and  more coming soon...............

The pictures are not related to the blog post. xD
2011年10月20日星期四 @ 23:53 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )

别让人鄙视你, 好吗? :)

希望你别误解了哦, 免得又造出更大的麻烦, 要我去收拾 :-(
又不是不懂的, 世界上存在着一种人, 什么都不会, 就只会制造麻烦  然后等别人帮他善后.
唉..真是的, 可别丢了我们女人的脸啊!!! =3=

cos a senior ask me to shut up.
So, I shut up. =)
I shut up isn't mean I'm loser or what, but just I choose to respect the senior.
I just hope you don't touch my boy anymore, don't trouble him. Alright?:) Deal? Accept? =)
Ermmmmm. Of course I hope you accept and then I'll give you a brilliant smile and say "Thank You" to you. ;D

上天赐给每个人一个左脑一个右脑, 是有它的原因所在.
请尊重上天, 也尊重自己.

谢谢 =)

Grandpapa's birthday
@ 00:56 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )

Good morning! It's 2 pm right now, and I just awake from my sweet bad half an hour before :x What an awesome day like this! No school, staying at home alone, I can just do whatever I want - date with the computer for almost all day long :)
*kay I know it's a bad habit .___.

I've been to Alamanda with Wei Chuan yesterday. Alright, don't doubt, it's only two of us. We actually supposed to go to IOI Mall to meet Jeng, Tracy and Sherry for the Sushi King's member day but due to some "unacceptable" problems, the plan FAILED.
Oii , Thew Wei Chuan , See ahh ! diao ni -,-
Good bye my Chatime :/ Good bye my Red box :/ and and, I missed the chance to see Tracy's boyfriend!
Damn you again Mr. Thew =.=

Yesterday was a heavily raining day, and also it was the first time I met this weather when hanging out. I and Wei Chuan were just like "the chickens in the soup", errr, I think actually not as bad as this thou. Our outer wears were just got wet and both us also wearing the pants white in color. OH NO and then his pants kena dirty deeply luckily mine was only a little bit.

Skip until we reached Alamanda. Firstly, went to toilet to change our out fit and then we went to buy movie tickets.
REAL STEEL!♥ Super Nice ! *thumbs up* 

but during the climax of movie, the guy who beside me was so a big surprise, he is slept. =.=""

We went to buy Baskin Robbin as yesterday was Wednesday. Hmm, I didn't eat but only he bought. Min-chocolate. And then we went home.

Skip to the last before we get into the topic which title is up there.
I've signed in to YOUR msn just now.
And YOU'll saw it when YOU sign in.
And then YOU wouldn't see I am available with a green color light there anymore.

Gradpapa's birthday, will be updated soon. Stay tune.

Fuck, I'm totally not in mood right now.


TMD 白痴们. 你们好!
2011年10月16日星期日 @ 11:41 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )
哦! 原来如此,就是你们这班大哥哥大姐姐啊。=)
怎么?敢自我感觉过分良好对号入座,却不敢直接把名字写出来 还拐弯抹角?什么道理嘛 笑死人了 :D
我可不敢那么厚脸皮,承认你们就是在,或许是,“回击”着我。于是我在此询问,你是不是在写着我的那个状态啊? :)


就如你所说的,我不怕写出来却又怕写出来,是什么意思啊?? o.O 抱歉啊我的华语还在中三程度,无法理解你那个等级的语言。^^
但转一个弯,是在说我怕吗? 所以写了之后又洗掉。
回来回来@@ 扯太远了。


不懂是“难看” 、 “恐怖” 还是 “丑” 啦,我记得类似这样的形容词就对了。


噢! 那很抱歉,是我自己对号入座了,请原谅小妹妹的疏忽。
哎呀,我才刚考完试用脑过度了,所以思考力有点不佳 很抱歉啊! O(∩_∩)O

还有一个问题就是,请问男生有画眼线吗??重点是,很深很深,很难看很难看,又很丑很丑的那种眼线哦。男生应该都是画浅浅的就很好看了吧? 嗯......思考-ing

无端端被人说“吵架”了 (=ˍ=)怎么会有这么无聊的人啊! 破坏我想和男人说情话的兴致。吊你=3=

先声明,我没有写名字哦 (^o^)~ 来,是白痴的话 欢迎对号入座!O(∩_∩)O

唉 真搞不懂现代的人 ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Port Dickson ♥
@ 02:45 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )

哈咯大家午安! 有没有觉得这张照片有点熟悉? 没错 :D 它曾出现在我之前的post里 :)
今天终于可以更新这篇大迟到的波德申两天一日游啦。在预考之后的事情也就是大约两个月前, 真是严重的迟到 /.\
好啦,话不多说进入正题。请恕图多字少 :P

后面明明就是海,怎么感觉好像是天? @@

堂姐乐儿 :)

有没有feel? HAHA!


focus on the background :)

喜欢那假海上倒影的感觉:) 对,这是假海 而真海在外面-,-

我们什么都不会,最厉害就是posting. 哈! O(∩_∩)O *自恋-ing

酷酷的感觉 XDD

过后在旁边酒店的游泳池 小孩子就在玩水啦 而我和堂哥堂姐们就拍照聊天。
超喜欢这张照片 我家男人也很爱♥ 感谢堂哥那架宝贝相机 听说整钱块 像素当然好啊
他还很自恋的说明明就是他的拍照技术很好@@ 我说我也不差啊! 然后他就让我自拍来证明.

有点不清楚 因为他在把相机交给我之前动了手脚!! ╭(╯^╰)╮!!

超high class的酒店♥

在去吃美味的海鲜晚餐前正准备去洗澡时 看后面那三个 超级恐怖!
由上到下,四婶、堂姐、姑姑. 坦白说我就是"一个不小心的"就抓到这个镜头. 哈哈 (∩_∩)!

两个人跳啊跳的 好像傻婆 -,- 不过照片出来还算满意。我喜欢 :D

opps~ 忽视它忽视它 xD

还是小孩子吗? 哈哈!

结束前的最后一张照片 ♥
这趟旅行 还算过得去啦。因为刚考完试想放松一下 于是就和叔叔们一起去了。
不过到达之后有点无聊 因为海景并没有我预期中的好/.\

波德申旅行篇 - 完.

good bye exammmmm !
2011年10月12日星期三 @ 08:16 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )

it's been how long I did not update my blog, facebook and twitter by seriously? I have been stuck-ed in the sea books inside my room for two weeks even more!
*hrmm, I know it's not so much actually -,-

Well, the PMR has just passed. I had do my best in every subjects except Sejarah.
I'm super-duper confident in my Chinese and Mathematics papers but have faith on English and Science Papers. LOLLLLL.
Today is "last day of scholl". WHY? What the shit school is this.
The teachers even asked us to not go to school anymore after PMR.
Whatevaaaaaa. I Don't Care.

I've been to Alamanda with friends today after school.
hmmm, or should I say I ponteng?
I back from school earlier after I've given back the text books.
We went to watch movie. JOHNNY ENGLISH REBORN.
*the twice i watched -,-

Webcam with baby boy just now once I back from Alamanda. His teammates all quite fun laa xD
He is now at Iran and tomorrow 4.00 PM in Iran time will versus China.
wish they could win laa.
I miss him so much :(

will be updated more soon. STAY TUNE ! ♥

Calling all Malaysian shufflers, poppers, Bboys, Bgirls, freestylers… submit a video, battle it out!: If you have not heard, Malaysia has some serious dance talent. We have been champions 2 years in a row in Asia's Biggest dance event against Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Singapore, Taiwan & Thailand.Know someone who love dance? get them to join Gatsby 's 4th Dance Competition and represent Malaysia to retain our Dance Champion title for the 3rd time! Download the official dance track and start dancing!


Layout hand-coded by Rainy Martini.