the girl

❤ Yvonne Teo Jade.
❤ 17th April 1996
❤ Founder of:
→ @BlueFaithStreet [Instagram]
→ Blue Faith Street [FB]

❤ Born and bred in Malaysia.
❤ UCSI University KL, Bachelor of Accounting.
❤ Relationship status: ✔ by Mr. YapJinWei since 21st of November in 2013.
❤ I don't speak English, I speak Manglish. I had a dream, I have dreams. I love music, I love to sing. Nothing can change my love toward JJLin. :)

Lim Huiqi♥
SMG Life
Amanda Mabel
Mandy Faith
Camille Co
Chuckei Baby Jane
Bwincess Nana
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Jie Xi
Vivian Sew

Yvonne Teo

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Taiwan Part 3
2013年6月24日星期一 @ 10:48 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )

我可以再过分一点点,三个月之前的旅行到现在都还没po完 /.\

第三天的早晨,从香格里拉休闲农场出发到台中宜兰的苏澳渔港,说是要参观一间佛身镀金的庙,可是我没去,我自己去了蓝盏咖啡管点了杯姜汁甘蔗暖身体 啊哈哈。环境是蛮不错的,油漆以蓝色和白色为主♥ 当天由于有微雨神的眷顾+海风'泛滥' LOL 哇老超级无敌冷啊啊啊 于是妈妈就带我去买了件100块马币的冷衣 要不然我应该冻死街头了 



之后我们到了国立传统艺术中心 :)
其实我还蛮喜欢这里的,环境优美而且装潢古代化,只不过有点politic的感觉 除了里边售卖东西的价钱是外面的双倍之外,其他的都还OK。


这个应该是章鱼和肉类吧,我忘记了。但真的很开胃,我喜欢 :)))

纯玮姐姐说这叫"凉粉",但我记得妈妈告诉我这是以高汤加jelly粉而形成的块状,而纯玮姐姐她却说不明我在说啥 lol ><

它其实就只有某种不知名的汤淡淡的味道,然后很热很烫 因为是刚煮上来的嘛。沾了胡椒盐之后味道就有点不同,微酸微咸的,然后入口即化。哈哈哈

中间那栋建筑物呢 就是衔接我刚刚用餐的地点啦。它的右边是一条湖,左边就有和照片中一样的古老建筑物。而这些建筑物其实都是店面,每一家店都售卖很多不同的东西 :))




冰糖草莓!♥ 很硬,差点噎死我了 -__-


噢 我的蓝色♥♥ 造型蜡烛 :)

造型沐浴皂 :) 
*超贵* ><

Candid shoots of the old street with no filter. :)

The bitch ♥ opps nope!! Is the bridge. xD

Nofilter version.
那家公司叫金车集团,算是台湾数一数二的大公司,旗下有超多产品的,连洗厕所的清洁剂也卖 /.\
他们最出名的除了威士忌还有就是伯朗咖啡 Mr. Brown Coffee. 全台销售量第一,在每间便利商店都买得到。我买了两大包回来派给朋友喝,自己却一杯也没喝到>.<

这天算是最早回到酒店的吧,大概六、七点就到了。因为我们这天住的是在宜兰的温泉旅馆,导游说要早点回去让我们泡汤。哈哈 这句话是我到台湾之后听到最好听的一句了。我都快冷死累死头痛死了 终于可以休息了!:D

这间酒店不便宜,很小间罢了,一进去右手边是厕所,在进去就是两张双人床,却一天要价8千台币!为什么呢?奥秘就在他们的天然纯温泉水啦。每一间房提供的温泉水都是纯天然直接从山连接过来的。但因为我年纪还轻 皮肤不能承受太重的天然矿物质,是矿物质吗?我也不清楚lollll 哎呀随便啦 就大人说我小孩子不能泡纯天然的,要参普通水就是啦。

台湾的白饭都超赞的啦,完全香米喔! 只要陪着他们的红辣椒吃我都ok哈哈  xD

冷盘开胃菜! :) 


宜兰街道的随手拍 :)

在某个街道的转角处又让我遇见了我最爱的花生冰淇淋薄饼 阿啊啊啊!!!!!!! ♥.♥
当然我很不客气的要了一份,还跟小贩要求说不要冰淇淋,只要添加多多的花生削就够了 (^O^)
满满的花生削 一口给它咬下去 喔买天 简直就是极品♥♥

然后妈妈在路边遇到这个葱油饼,平常从电视上看到台湾的葱油饼都好好吃的样子 于是妈妈就买了一份。

才两百五块 如果我没记错的话,还是四百五?

嘘,不要跟别人讲 ...... *点手指*


带着一双长不开的眼睛,顶着一头鸟窝,阿不对,这天的发型应该比之前柔顺多了 啊哈哈。

Favorite meal of the day! 

Beloooo Sun Moon Lake :)
*minion's language xD

坐船游湖之后,在享用午餐之前就来到了文武庙。无视我那双水肿的眼睛 =_=

这座庙还有我们享用午餐的餐厅有着蛮有趣的故事。日月潭之前曾经发生一次大地震,所有建筑屋都倒了,路也震裂了,就只有这座庙和那家餐馆没倒。奇妙的是,这两栋建筑物是建在日月潭最顶端的地区,遇到地震时最该倒的应该是它们,但地震发生后它们却屹立不倒,反而不该倒的建筑物都倒光了。很多著名的风水师都来这看过,也只能说是庙外两座吉祥物(我叫不出名字>< )有保佑吧。

坐缆车所眺望到的风景都一级棒。请期待台湾之旅 Part 4喽!:))


上个星期刚去了饥饿30回来,我会先更新饥饿30篇再接下去 part 4 (⌒▽⌒)
最近爱上了苹果平板的表情符号,但由于电脑不能显示 于是我用标点符号来代替( ^ω^ )
教几个小髦头补习的学费不够我花啦 :((

Off to addmath revision, bye peeps! :)

Loves, Yvonne, ♥

♥ msss '13
2013年6月16日星期日 @ 08:20 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )

Hello everybody. :) 

Here comes my msss of volleyball 2013 which happened on 20/5 to 21/5 located at Shah Alam Section 4. I know I'm late, because recently I'm quite busy for my school works and a lil bit of laziness lol. All of the photos were taken by my baby V1. Well, let my personal sign dudu mouth to begin this post. :3 As usual, photos describe everything, so do just scrolllll ... :)

Me and cousie Tracy are trying to camwhore with stupid face expression while we're waiting for the bus.

Finally arrived section 4! :)

 with my bitches ♥ 
I met Yenli and Choiyaw once I entered the court. They reminded me the memories during the days when they staying in Dengkil and we training together. :) Yenli said I become prettier liao. Then I asked her, ''not become fatter liao meh?'' lolllll but she said noooo HAHAHA sooooo happy and yeppyyy xD

Ready to warm up for the first game. Tracy and Jeng :)

The moment when you don't have any mirrors when you need to tie your hair. And your phone's front camera will be the best thing in this world to replace it lolll.

Our pretty back with number and name. ♥
Getting ready to warm up for the first game vs Hulu Langat. I lost to them when I was 15 and 16 years old. Honestly I was quite nervous before the game start. However Idk why we won them, accidentally? :) haha.
No, there's a reason. They played with coach yet we played without coach but we won. So I should say 'accidentally' instead of 'easily'. :P

Puan Intan and Encik Guna! :D My form 4 biology teacher and form 3 geography teacher. Pn. Intan was our coach during the tournament and En. Guna is our school's pengetua koko. He specially came to support us from Dengkil without telling anyone. We were so surprised and excited, keep on jerit and said hi to him when we saw him xD

Game started! The evidence of Tracy spiked into the net! xD

Captain get mark get mark!!
omg she jumped so high ... o.O she's the shortest spiker in the team but she jumps the highest. She used to be my setter since she first time joined vb. So this was her very first time to be spiker and she performed the best. :) it's really such a huge waste that she choose to study over mssm. :/

After game! With my babes : Lim Shermynnnnn, Tam Sujaneeee, Lim Stze Linggg and Ang SayJengggg ♥

My cute cute potato Liwen and pretty Xin Hui 
Now only I know that Xin Hui is fan of JJLin too. HAHA gimme five! :D 

Another of my love, Audreyyyyy 

HEHEHEHEHEHE finally get to take pic with my student Foo Meng Lee! xD xD

with my bitches! Jeng and babi HueyChing ♥
Thanks for coming to support us and drive us to everywhere, and also bring me to eat Subway! :P

Subway at Tesco after game with Kuala Selangor. xD

Selfca time!  ♥ ♥ ♥

 ♥ ♥ ♥

Friendship through volleyball since 2010 and still counting on. We had been trough many ups and downs, we laugh together, we even had a very serious argument at the beginning of 2011. But luckily we solved all these shits and make peace until now 2013! :D Appreciate every moments when we're staying together. :)

Stze Linggggg 

Pretty little baby Theng Yee 

With NianTing! :D Love this so much 

She was trying to act cool and I was acting hiao po. lolll
It was 8pm something and we were waiting for the last game of grouping to start. We snapped many photos with many different patterns, rolling on the floor like a boss, jumping from here to there and laughing like there's no any other people. See, that's why I said this is the BEST game that I've ever joined. Together with my buddies from DVC. Thanks for giving me such an unforgettable and awesome memories in my last year secondary. Thank you so much ♥♥♥

Photo shooting session :D pattern liao liao.

Say yeahhh 

You can see there are still many people behind us but we just don't care. Photo shooting session anytime at everywhere. 

Rolling on the floor :3 guess we really treated the court as our home... image spoiled xD

V.O.L.L.E.Y ♥ ♥
I'm the 'V', my waist was damn sour and pain when posturing this /.\
and you see tow of the 'L' !! Jeng and Yy, yerrrr so un-18 is not allowed!! xD

In the bus, 10pm++, finally finished the last match against Sabak Bernam !! We won them with score of 8-25 and 19-25 if I'm not mistaken. lollll. As we won them with score of under 10 in first set, we started to relax and underestimate people during second set and people was leading with score of 9-1 /.\ lol play la play la.... xD

21.5.2013 Day 2.

Well, we had the worst draw. Against Gombak and Klang. lollll happy birthday! Let's go celebrate and just leave here alone -.- Milo is loved ♥

Game with Gombak. We played 3 set, I don;t really remember the scores but I know they were leading us with 8-6 at the third set if not mistaken. Luckily we won /.\

Oh yeah specially thanks to these few guys, Raymond, Wade, Jin Wei, Wei Chuan and Run Sheng. They purposely drove from Dengkil to support us, they even lost when on the way to here xD
anahh anahh very wei da lah. Thanks you guys so much! :D ♥

Cheering up to each other :)

And the u15 juniors too! :)

The boys! :)

After tough game with Gombak finally we got to rest! /.\ say peace to the camera with our exhausted face.

Before the game with Klang. We supposed to warm up but we were shooting photos pulak.
I and cousie were singing and dancing 起床歌 outside the court there and the camera was recording. Everyone must sing and dance! :P Too bad I accidentally deleted those videos...........

should say too stress or too relax? Lol we're getting crazier and crazier... lol

把脸P上来, 因为实在是太惨不忍睹了.
当天我走谐星路线. 拍了超多古灵精怪的照片, 超不顾形象的. xD
但谁在意呢? 我们开心就好. :P

Yayyy the gang ♥  I know I'm rude thou :3

nahh show one pretty de to you la :P

When the game had just began, Chiayee's head hit on the floow when she was trying to save the ball. :/

Hmm. When we knew that we got the draw with Klang, we was like advance final xD
We tried to win Gombak as soon as possible to save energy for the next game with Klang, however we failed. So, as we already know that it would be the last game in our secondary life, we decided to enjoy the game, play the best. :)
Well, I don't cheat. What I saw is everyone of us did very good during the games without stress. We just keep on shouting from here to there and the audiences were laughing their ass off. lol.
After the game finished, the referees told us something that really made our day. When they were judging our game, they had no stress at all and very enjoying during the game. :D :D :D

After the game. Photos with my loves one! :)

With my mama Jen Ru finally!! ♥

Ah Jane and the Selangor seniors :)

With Choiyaw and Yenli :D Smelly legs ewwwwwwwww -,-

HEHEHEHE Siew Ling and junior Peggy were joining too. ♥ You know the reason why my face is covered.

Siew Ling ♥

HAHA I was trying to act like her pattern but I guess I'm failed. xD

Happy Birthday to TYY!! ♥

Surprise birthday party at McD for Yy's eighteen birthday. Thanks to babi Huey Ching for buying the cake when we were playing games. :)

Wishing wishing.. wish you have a sweet eighteen and all the best in everything! :) 

The birthday girl :)

Jeng and cutie me 

Peggy and Tracy ♥

Junior Soo Yen and I was trying to spoil them at behind . xD

WaDe Ang! :D and Suki & Michelle ♥

with her super love one - Chiayee ♥

And it's me again! :D

Spot the black tape on my leg? Yeah, my tendon hurt before the game with Gombak and I DON'T KNOW WHY. Thanks to gor gor helped me to tape it. Oh well, my bro is our temporary coach. He stood at outside of the court during the games, advised us during time out, planned the strategy for us for these tough games. Really appreciated for what he had done to me! ♥ Too bad Han Long gor gor wasn't able to come as he got class. :/ Or we will get a better result bahh.. :/ and thanks to Han Long too! :) He trained us before the tournament, he corrected our wrong technique and taught us something new. He even taught me to serve floating! :3

with all of my love one. ♥

The fierce face expression when I asked Peggy to take picture with me. xD

Yayyyyyy with the cutie juniors ! ♥♥

I remember that day after announced the mssm namelist and I never heard my name, how sad and disappointed I was. When I went got the bus, a tower to cover my face and I pretended to sleep. After calm down my mind, the little juniors came and comfort me by giving me a hug. Awww so touch. Do you know how do they ask for a hug?
Firstly, Peggy said:" Yvonne, Yenyee wants to give you a hug."
YenYee: *hugged* 
And the rest of them said "I want too I want too....."
Tears dropped when they were giving me a hug. It really warmth and melt my heart. Never know that I had such gang of cute juniors. :')

There's many unfair issues  that's why I tears .
You will never understand my feeling ,
as you can just achieve the target without any hard work ,
because what your parents have is $$$.


Pen Off. Good night :)

Thanks for reading!♥  


Layout hand-coded by Rainy Martini.