the girl

❤ Yvonne Teo Jade.
❤ 17th April 1996
❤ Founder of:
→ @BlueFaithStreet [Instagram]
→ Blue Faith Street [FB]

❤ Born and bred in Malaysia.
❤ UCSI University KL, Bachelor of Accounting.
❤ Relationship status: ✔ by Mr. YapJinWei since 21st of November in 2013.
❤ I don't speak English, I speak Manglish. I had a dream, I have dreams. I love music, I love to sing. Nothing can change my love toward JJLin. :)

Lim Huiqi♥
SMG Life
Amanda Mabel
Mandy Faith
Camille Co
Chuckei Baby Jane
Bwincess Nana
Daphne Charice
Han Bin :) Farhana
Jie Xi
Vivian Sew

Yvonne Teo

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2009年12月19日星期六 @ 10:48 1von teo leave a comment ( 0 )
two days didnt update blog d coz LAZY lolz
baby oso didnt update her blog caz my little bro using de comp ==
my blog wan bcum chou suan d..T.T
i nid COMMENT !!!
any1 entering my blog's lengzai lenglui~~
pls go TAGBOARD n leave ur cmt..thx :D
ytd n 2day de training oso gt abit shuang dao..
coz gt talked v a jian xD
he veli sampat lorr..
teacher said wan spike ball continuous 8 times..
then teacher call ajian throw de ball to us spike n wan he count..
1st n 2nd is rockyee n xueni..he gt counrt de..
the 3rd is
LETHNG=BABY♥ n de 4 is me..
when turn baby spiking..he jz keep on trowing ball..
didnt count de pun..zzz~
den i ask him
jian: 我没有算噢
me: =="假假蛤~
jian: (笑)

omg...den finaly turn me liao...
when he trow de ball to me 1st time, he start to count n
de 2nd time: 3粒!!
me: huh??!!! @.@
de 3rd time:5粒!!
i cant tahan d oni laugh at thr n spiking de ball~~ xD
den gt teacher's scolded lorr ==

n 2day de training -- 1st ball..
when turn to a jian thr..
he teach me hw can i to do when im playin de game..
he said:
要对自己有信心一点 开球的时候不是看人是看球
n some more...
afta training i back home den i sms him...zzz~
reli is
but still
thx anyway =D
i like u so muchh~~ x)
(pls dont mis-und..i mean i lyk dis fren so muchh..LOLZ)

EMBRY a.k.a 1VON
nitez :D


Layout hand-coded by Rainy Martini.